Digital prototypes

High-fidelity, digital prototypes

See your ideas in action, get the feedback you need and improve them… all on a tight timeframe.

Ensure all your stakeholders are on the same page

Ideas are abstract, prototypes are real. Being able to express your idea helps everyone to make informed decisions.

Create a valuable design asset

Don’t tell your investors what you’re building, show them. Digital prototypes also make sense to developers; they’re the most effective way to document exactly what they need to build.

Accelerate your progress by getting your idea down and iterating

When budgets and timelines are at a premium, being able to see your idea in action is essential. Our high-fidelity prototypes aim to mirror a real user experience and can be rapidly updated. Share your idea and improve it quickly.

Place your users in the centre of your design process

Users will be the adjudicators of success at the end of the project, so make sure they’re involved at the start. We use discovery and design thinking to make sure user priorities never get demoted.

Ben presenting a Prototyping Masterclass at the Victorian State Library.

Blitzm delivered a terrific high-fidelity digital prototype, which really brought our idea to life. It enabled us to raise almost $1 million in seed capital.

Tom O’Connor – CEO, AptoNow

Have an idea that needs a prototype?

We’d love to know more.

Want to say hello? Contact us